

The First Global Data Management Platform for

School Sports and ECCA

Welcome to JumpNations, where we redefine the science of Sports and Extra and Co-Curricular Activities (ECCA) data management and record-keeping with our intuitive digital platform. Our system effortlessly and securely logs game results, player statistics, and team rosters, providing a comprehensive and accessible record of your school’s athletic achievements and a detailed and panoramic view of each student’s individual achievements. Managing tons of Sports and ECCA data and keeping track of every statistic of each student and staying on top of every event on your school calendar has never been easier!

Stay Ahead of the Game​

All Your School's ECCA and Sports Stats in One Powerful App

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Game Plan

Here's how JumpNations works.

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Managing school sports and events can be a real challenge! Coaches juggling schedules, teachers coordinating activities, and parents eager to stay in the loop—sound familiar? Whether you’re a coach, teacher, admin, or parent, JumpNations keeps everything organized and at your fingertips, so you never miss a match or milestone. And guess what? Kids love it too! With a fun, gamified interface, they can collect trophies and awards as they play, turning sports into an exciting journey.

One Nifty App. Endless Admin Solutions.

Hits Paperwork for a Six

JumpNations Sports Admin

At JumpNations, we know the sports admin game can sometimes feel like a long, uphill innings. Managing ECCA programs and tracking player stats can leave you fielding endless paperwork.

That’s why we’ve stepped up to the crease with a platform designed to hit those admin challenges for a six!

With JumpNations, you’ll knock the competition for a boundary with ease by:

  • Logging match results, player stats, and team line-ups with the flick of a wrist.
  • Organizing practices, fixtures, and tournaments like a seasoned captain.
  • Delivering performance reports straight to your inbox without missing a beat.
  • Tracking individual and team progress with pinpoint accuracy.

We’ve taken the heavy lifting out of sports management—no more slogging through piles of paperwork. With everything centrally stored and at your fingertips, you’ll always be in control, ready to face whatever comes your way, with a winning shot every time!

Streamlined Scheduling and Event Management

Aim for Zero Misses

JumpNations Scheduling

At JumpNations, we take precision and dependability very seriously, especially when it comes to scheduling. Our platform takes the hassle out of one of the school’s biggest time-drainers—keeping everyone on the same page with practices, matches, and events. Forget double bookings and chaotic clashes—our smart system makes sure your schedule is as smooth as a perfect cover drive.

Here’s how JumpNations keeps you scoring:

  • Set schedules in just a few clicks: Coaches and admins can whip up detailed plans in no time, giving you back precious hours.
  • No conflicts, no problems: Our system flags any scheduling overlaps before they happen, so you’ll never have two events clashing.
  • Real-time updates: Need to change a game time or tweak a practice? JumpNations lets you adjust schedules on the fly and instantly notifies everyone involved.

By automating the heavy lifting of event planning, you’re free to focus on the real action—delivering a top-tier sports experience for your students.

Enhanced Communication with Stakeholders​

Keep Everyone in Loop​

JumpNations Communication Automation

JumpNations automates ECCA-related communication, ensuring that students, parents, coaches, and administrators are always in the loop. Whether it’s scheduling updates, event reminders, or performance reports, our platform ensures that important information is delivered to the right people at the right time.

  • Automated communication: Save time by automating the process of sending updates and notifications to stakeholders.
  • Real-time alerts: Keep everyone informed with real-time alerts, reducing the chances of miscommunication or missed events.
  • Increased engagement: Parents, students, and coaches remain actively involved and connected, fostering a sense of collaboration and transparency.

This enhanced communication improves the overall experience for everyone involved in the school’s sports programs, building stronger relationships and a more engaged community.

Maximize Managerial Efficiency like never before.

Sucess across the Board

JumpNations Efficiency and Success

By adopting JumpNations, schools can significantly accelerate efficiency, enhance time management, and ensure the success of their ECCA programs. Our platform minimizes the time spent on administrative tasks, freeing up resources to focus on what really matters: developing talent and running successful programs.

  • Automate administrative tasks: From scheduling to record-keeping, JumpNations automates many of the tedious tasks that bog down administrators.
  • Boost productivity: By streamlining operations and eliminating bottlenecks, JumpNations helps your coaches and admin team accomplish more in less time.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Use performance metrics, reports, and analytics to make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes for your athletes and teams.

Customizable Branding for Your School.

We are on your Team

JumpNations Customization

JumpNations is highly customizable, allowing schools to reflect their unique identity on the platform. Tailor the app’s look and feel by incorporating your school’s branding, from logos and color schemes to custom themes. This personal touch strengthens your school’s brand and creates a more engaging experience for users.

Additionally, JumpNations offers:

  • Customizable reports: Present data in a way that aligns with your school’s preferences, showcasing key performance metrics and achievements.
  • Role-based access control: Assign different roles and permissions to users based on their responsibilities, enhancing security and collaboration.

With these features, JumpNations allows your school to take full ownership of the platform, making it a true extension of your institution’s commitment to athletic and extracurricular excellence.

JumpNations FAQ

How do we sign up?

We are just a few clicks or a call away.
signup@jumpnations.com or call +977-12345678

There are multiple schools in our group. Can the app track and manage every student’s data?

Absolutely. JumpNations is designed to handle the data and event calendars of multiple schools at a time - be it from a single group, a consortium of school districts, statewide, nationwide and even globally.

Click to book an online appointment with our Representative in your region.

How long will it take to activate the app for my school?

From the moment we receive all the items and data enlisted in the JumpStart Checklist, your institution will be active on the app within 7 working days. Why wait?

Click to book an online appointment with our Representative in your region.

kohinoor Singh Agarwal

Founder Director

JumpNation is the brainchild of Kohinoor Singh Agarwal – Director at Nepal’s Shanker Group, a diverse conglomerate headquartered in Nepal, consisting of 40 companies across various sectors. The group’s mission is to enhance lives through an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

kohinoor Singh Agarwal


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